


Enchant Worldle

What exactly is Enchant worldle?

Enchant Worldle is a popular online game in which you must guess a five-letter word in six or fewer attempts. You've probably heard of it if you appreciate word games. But did you know there's another Wordle game with a mystical and legendary twist? It's called "Enchant Worldle," and instead of a common phrase, you must guess the name of a Magic card.


Enchant Worldle provides a sequence of hints to help you figure out which Magic card you're attempting to guess. One of the hints is a completely green backdrop, which implies that you correctly identified a piece of the card.

In addition, indicator bars are used to show the percentage of correctness in the Color identity, Type, and Subtype columns. A partially yellow bar in these columns shows that you correctly identified certain features, whereas a full yellow bar denotes complete correctness with extra elements to discover.

You'll also have information about the card's mana value to assist you in guessing. A yellow signal shows that you are within +/- 2 of the correct value. The color identity hint reveals the prominent colors associated with the card, offering important information.

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