


Heardle 50s

What is the definition of Heardle 50s?

Heardle 50s Decades is a musical game based on the popular Wordle game in which the player must discover the music in the fewest number of tries. Heardle Decades is a fun version in which you must pick a song from a given decade based just on the entrance. If you believe you have a strong enough memory to correctly predict the playlist title 50 times in a row, Heardle is the game for you.

You do not have to guess a word in this game; instead, you must guess a different song every day. The rules are straightforward: play a song while listening to the opening and predict it in six attempts. If you succeed, the response from heardle 50 displays both the time left for the next song and the attempt number. You can then post it on social media. It can only be used once each day.

Game Rules

In six attempts, guess the heardle. Each estimate must come from the song list. After each guess, you can hear a little more of the mystery song until you reach the conclusion, when you can hear a larger chunk of the day's music.

Heardle 50s music game link is a simple hobby that has already captivated thousands of users owing to its simplicity and the fact that you only have 6 daily efforts to tackle its task (the same for everyone). If the user solves the song correctly, he or she can post it on all social networks. Each heardle 50s music game is chosen at random from a collection of the most streamed songs from the preceding decade. This game is wonderful for music aficionados, and it is presented as an engaging daily challenge.

  • After listening to the intro, select a song from the list from the 1950s.
  • Wrong or missed attempts reveal more of the beginning


  • Answer as quickly as possible and share your score!

  • Increase the volume and tap to begin the track!

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