



Hex codes are base 16 numbers used to represent colors on the web (and elsewhere)! A single six-digit hex code can represent up to 16,777,216 unique colors!

Color is represented by RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values. A hex code is composed of three pairs of digits. Each pair represents a different amount of red, green, or blue (only in that order!)

What exactly is hexle?

Hexle is a one-of-a-kind and engrossing game that celebrates color language through hexadecimal codes. Hexle, created by a group of color enthusiasts and puzzle fans, provides a thrilling challenge that engages both your artistic and logical thinking abilities.

Rules of the Game

Determine the correct hexadecimal code for a given color in six attempts.

Each guess should be a valid hexadecimal code with six characters that include digits (0-9) and letters (A-F).

  • The color tiles will provide feedback after each guess to determine how close your guess is to the correct code. Here's what each color means:
  • The green character is correct and in the correct location.
  • The yellow character is correct, but he or she is in the incorrect position.

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