Hulihua is a clone of a popular online Hawaiian word game. It was designed specifically to allow supporters of indigenous languages to create Wordle versions in their native tongue. The application now has a list of about 400 five-letter terms compiled from some older literature I have in my possession. As a result, it lacks certain words from the Mmaka Kaiao book, as well as all of those from the Pukui/Elbert dictionary. It does provide a more comprehensive list of valid terms, so you should not see too many "not a valid word" warnings for words that do appear in those two books and other dictionaries. I intend to expand the list and, eventually, convert the entire game into Hawaiian.
The phrase is displayed as a row of empty spaces after the game randomly selects a five-letter word from the list of allowed terms. Following that, the players must predict a five-letter Hawaiian phrase.
When you guess, the game tells you how many letters you correctly identified and whether any of them are in the correct positions. The player has six attempts to correctly guess the word.
There are many other games developed under Connections NYT, let's try them out