Plurality is defined as:
Every day, Plurality is available for play. You can participate in a Survey by anticipating the most common replies to the Survey question. Your score is the percentage of total responses represented by your guesses. To win, you must score at least 60%. However, you are only allowed a set number of guesses.
The more diverse the Plurality responses, the more difficult it will be to properly predict 60% of them. As a result, the number of estimates allowed for each Survey is decided by the variety of responses received. Every survey can be won with the most predictions, but some will be more difficult than others!
Plurality will be available on the site at any given time. Responses can be a single word or a number, depending on the Survey type. If a user's comment is identified as potentially incorrect, they will be asked to double-check their spelling. Rude or hateful responses are not accepted.
<p>Using mouse</p>
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