What is is an online multiplayer sketching and guessing game. A basic game consists of a few rounds in which a player must draw their chosen word and others must guess it in order to earn points!
Rules of the Game
Wait for someone to start drawing. Each participant will take a turn to draw, with only one person drawing at a time. If it's your turn to draw, skip ahead to the drawing phase.
- At the top of the page, dashes indicate how many letters are in the word and which letters you correctly guessed.
- Click the green thumbs-up or red thumbs-down icons to convey your feelings about the drawing.
- Guess the word using the artwork and dashes/letters. Fill in the blanks in the bottom right text box labeled "Type your guess here." You have an endless amount of guesses, so if you get it wrong, try again.
- You will earn points for accurately guessing the word!
- As you guess words containing letters from the secret word, letters will replace the dashes.
- If someone guesses the word, the notification "PLAYER has guessed the word" will show. Players who have not received the word for that round will not see that person's messages.
- Guesses will not be accepted if you type a string of words or misspell a word (though it may suggest that you're close).
- When it's your turn, choose a term. You can draw one of three randomly generated words.
- Make a word drawing. Draw the image as clearly as possible. You may improve your drawing by employing a variety of colors and tools.
- If you are unsatisfied with your image, click the trash can to clear the page and start over.
How to play
<p>Using mouse</p>